3 Ideas for How to Work in Japan

Living in Japan is probably one of the best things that can happen to someone. The culture, food, and language are all unique but the perks are too good to be true. Housing is affordable, life is easy, and there are enough entertainment options to last a lifetime. But what about the work aspect?

Japan has many job opportunities for foreigners but they’re not always high paying or rewarding. There are some work-from-home jobs that could fit your needs but these are hard to find. Working in Japan may not be as easy as it sounds, but it’s still possible with these three ideas for how to find work in Japan.

Why You Should Work in Japan

Japan offers many opportunities for foreigners, but the work may not be what you’re looking for. One of the most common jobs foreigners take is English teaching. This job can be rewarding, but it doesn’t pay well and the hours are often long. You also need to have a working visa or permit in order to teach which can be difficult to get.

Another common job found in Japan is teaching business English through an online school like E-sutdio. The pay is low but you don’t need special qualifications and there are more options on when you want to work as it’s remote based. If you’re looking for an office-based position, then working as an assistant to a Japanese person abroad would be a good option as they often need help with their research and other tasks.

How to Find a Job in Japan

Now that you’ve been living in Japan for a few days, it’s time to start looking for a job. There are many language schools and universities here so finding a classroom teaching position should be easy. The downside is the wages tend to be low. If you have experience as an educator or tutor then you should have no problem finding a job.

If you don’t have any Japanese language skills then the next best thing would be to find a part-time job. One benefit of living in Japan is that work hours are more flexible than other parts of the world. It’s not uncommon for businesses to let their employees work from home one day during the week, meaning your commute would only be 10 minutes long each day!

The hardest part about working in Japan is the lack of career growth opportunities. If you want to make more money or advance your professional career, it can be hard with these types of jobs. Most foreigners find themselves leaving after less than five years because they can’t grow professionally and financially with these types of jobs.

You could also teach English online as a side hobby and earn some extra money on top of your salary at your own pace and leisure time! This may not be an ideal full-time solution but it could help out if you want to supplement your income with something else.

How to Adapt to Japanese Culture

To work in Japan, you have to be able to go outside of your comfort zone. Doing so can take time but it also opens the door for new experiences. After living in Tokyo for two years, I’ve learned that being able to properly use chopsticks is a must. For someone who grew up with a silverware culture, this was hard at first but now I feel comfortable using them when dining out.

Another great way to fit into the Japanese culture is by learning their language. Personally, I don’t like how hard it was for me to say “please” and “thank you” even though they are common words in English. This led me to learn some basic Japanese phrases before coming over here. You can learn some basic phrases before coming or get an app like Duolingo if you want to study on the fly while you’re here.


There are many reasons why you should work in Japan. From experiencing a unique culture to honing your Japanese skills, the opportunities are endless. But before you get started, you need to make sure you have all your paperwork in order and get prepared for the unique challenges of working in Japan.

Start by exploring the job market and looking for potential employers that would be a good fit for you. Then, go ahead and apply for a visa and get everything else in order. There are a lot of cultural differences in Japan that you need to be ready for, but with a little patience and a proactive attitude, you’ll have no problem adjusting to life in Japan!

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